Partner App Requirements
Partner app requirements include certification guidelines, technical and user experience requirements, integration with Events API, and various testing scenarios.
Certification Guidelines
- Automated installations (one-click) from the AppConnect™ Marketplace, including account/user provisioning and self-service 30-day free trials.
- Single Sign-On and Sign-Out (SSO) from Talkdesk® to the partner’s standalone hosted solution.
- Pay-as-you-go billing option.
All partner apps must meet the requirements below in order to be approved by Talkdesk.
Even when meeting all the requirements, the apps go through a review process before getting listed on AppConnect (more here).
For the partner apps to be installable, updatable, and available on AppConnect, and to access the Talkdesk APIs, you must integrate with the Events API webhook. Lifecycle events (alerts) are managed via the Events API (exposes events that happen inside Talkdesk as webhook calls).
Events such as installations, updates, trial expiration, Single Sign-On, and Single Sign-Out are managed via the Events API, which are sent to the partners as webhooks. You must check and react to the alerts sent via the Events API.
Lifecycle Events Examples - Integrating a Partner App with Talkdesk
- Enabling app installation/uninstallation.
- Updating app versions.
- Single Sign-On and Single Sign-Out.
- Accessing Talkdesk data via the Talkdesk APIs, using OAuth clients.
Technical Requirements
- A Single Sign-On redirect from Talkdesk must be handled, and the authorization code flow must be used to generate a user session in a standalone environment.
- You must be able to generate access tokens using the client credentials with the supported OAuth authorization flows.
- You must integrate with the Events API and handle all the partner app's lifecycle events. Make sure that you are using the right base URL for your customer's region-based installation.
- App testing via a private installation.
- Embedding the Talkdesk header in the standalone hosted solution.
User Experience Requirements
- Installation and setting update flows must occur almost synchronized, near real-time.
- Instead of the initial processing time, the user must get a functional experience immediately, in the form of sample dashboards, tutorials, etc.
- The confirmation of successful/failed installation or settings update must be sent to the user (i.e., email), including relevant contact information and subsequent next steps.
- Single Sign-On must not require additional clicks/logins by the user.
- Expired tokens must be handled seamlessly without any actions from the user, and must not interfere with the overall experience.
- Onboarding assistance must be provided in the app upon first visit, in the form of in-app wizards, tutorials, instructions, etc. (i.e., Intro.js).
- If the app offers different experiences based on user roles or permissions, Talkdesk recommends that you provide a mechanism to manage this access. All users get a license to launch the app.
QA Checklist
1 - Free Trial Installation
1.1 - Access the PRD link for the installation modal.
1.2 - On the step Plans, select the free plan.
1.3 - On the step Users, select at least two users.
1.4 - Complete the installation process.
Installation occurs in near real-time. Please confirm that the Terms of Service on the link correct.
2 - First-time App Launch
When you launch the app for the first time after the installation, the following is to be expected:
- The user is automatically logged in with their own user account - no login is requested.
- A Talkdesk bar is displayed at the top.
- The purpose of the app and how to start navigating on it becomes clear.
- Talkdesk user account data is loaded.
3 - Launching an App with Another User Account
Goal: to make sure each user has their own user account.
The user is automatically logged in with their own user account - no login is requested.
- A Talkdesk bar is displayed at the top.
- The purpose of the app and how to start navigating on it becomes clear.
- Talkdesk user account data is loaded.
4 - Managing the App - Modifying Users
4.1 - Manage the app by clicking on the gear icon on the app launcher.
4.2 - Remove access from a user.
4.3 - Give access to another user.
4.4 - Log in to Talkdesk with each of the users and launching the app.
The user is presented with a success message at the end of the process.
For the removed user:
- The app is removed from their account.
- The user is no longer able to access the app via link.
For the added user: the new user is able to launch the app.
5 - Managing the App - Upgrading from Free to Paid Plan
5.1 - Manage the app by clicking on the gear icon on the app launcher.
5.2 - Change from free to paid plan.
5.3 - Launch the app.
The user is presented with a success message at the end of the process and is able to launch the app.
6 - Uninstalling the App
6.1 - Uninstall the app by clicking on the gear icon on the app launcher.
6.2 - Re-open modal to uninstall the app and check if it was successfully removed.
Uninstallation occurs in near real-time.
The account users are not able to access the app via link.
7 - Agent Email Validation
7.1 - Add an agent (email) to a Talkdesk account.
7.2 - Install the app for the agent.
7.3 - Add an agent with the same email as before to a second Talkdesk account.
7.4 - Install the app for the agent.
Ensure installation user identity should be based on
, not inagent email
The second installation should be successful.
8 - Reseller Installation Validation - Perform Steps 1 to 6 for the Reseller Account
The launched app should not show the Talkdesk bar.
The user should automatically be logged in via the Single Sign-On process.
9 - Checking the Terms of Service
Validate if the Terms of Service link is working. It’s expected that, when launching the app, by clicking on the Terms of Service link, it will show the Partner Terms of Service content.
Talkdesk will always communicate via email.
If you have questions or technical issues, please open a ticket using this form.
Updated over 1 year ago