Contacts Report All Data Status


The Contacts Report All Data Status report offers a comprehensive record of contact information.

To be more specific, the Contacts Report All Data Status report provides the ability to review the status of all call data and interactions, encompassing both valid and damaged records.


Specify the contacts_all_data_status type in the Explore API path: /data/reports/contacts_all_data_status/jobs


Contacts Report All Data Status metrics

Report Example

    "entries": [
            "interaction_id": "e20d72dafeb8493ab0f8f1b317cbf5f1",
            "contact_id": "b348cb9289504b6e94e7a602a1ce4eff",
            "company_number": "+19039138659",
            "phone_display_name": null,
            "contact_person_number": "+18553712568",
            "external_phone_number": null,
            "direction": "OUT",
            "contact_type": "Connected",
            "started_at": "2023-05-22 10:24:34",
            "wait_time": null,
            "time_to_missed": null,
            "abandon_time": null,
            "short_abandon_time": null,
            "time_to_voicemail": null,
            "ring_time": null,
            "connect_time": 0,
            "answered_at": null,
            "connected_at": "2023-05-22 10:24:34",
            "talk_time": 1,
            "hard_hold_time": null,
            "soft_hold_time": null,
            "hold_time": null,
            "after_call_work_time": null,
            "finished_at": "2023-05-22 10:24:36",
            "duration": 2,
            "handle_time": 1,
            "inside_business_hours": "Yes",
            "inside_service_level": "No",
            "within_service_level_threshold": "No",
            "transfer_out": "No",
            "transfer_out_type": null,
            "transfer_in": "No",
            "transfer_in_type": null,
            "callback": "No",
            "ring_groups": "agents",
            "user_name": "Josef Green",
            "direct_assignment_user": null,
            "team_name": null,
            "user_id": "622b35a86a92ca753c57122c",
            "direct_assignment_ids": null,
            "team_id": null,
            "handling_ring_groups": null,
            "disconnected_by_agent": "No",
            "last_contact": "Yes",
            "data_status": "Valid"
    "total": 1


Data and Report Availability

Up to a month of data per request.

There are no limits on the data availability regarding timeframe.


If you have questions or technical issues, please open a ticket using this form.