Connections - Encoding types


When defining an action for a custom connection, these types of encoding types are accepted:

  • No encoding
  • Full encoding (RFC 3986)
  • UTF-8 encoding

By default, Full encoding (RFC 3986) is being applied to all custom actions when creating.

No encoding

This option allows you to send data without any encoding. No modifications to special characters or symbols are applied, therefore it should only be applicable when the receiving system supports a raw input.

Full Encoding (RFC 3986)

This option encodes the URL following the standards outlined in RFC 3986, which defines URL syntax. Below are examples on how the encoding is applied:

URL path example, with a dynamic and a static parameter:


Dynamic query parameter:
phone = +9112233

Character Encoding:

Input CharacterOutput Character
: / ? # [ ] @ ! $ & ' ( ) * + , ; =Unchanged (reserved)
Alphanumeric characters, such as 1 or aUnchanged
Non-alphanumeric characters, such as á or <Encoded (e.g.: á -> %C3%A1)

UTF-8 Encoding

This encoding type encodes all dynamic query parameters, replacing all characters with UTF-8. It is typically used for handling special characters, internationalization, and extended character sets.

URL path example, with a dynamic and a static parameter:


Dynamic query parameter:
phone = +9112233

Character Encoding:

< value >%3Cvalue%3E
field like '%2B'field+like+%27%252B%27



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