Outbound Dialer Calls Report


The Outbound Dialer Calls Report is a detailed report that provides metrics related to the calls dialed via a campaign of the Outbound Dialer Calls.


Specify outbound_dialer_calls as report type in the Explore API request path: /data/reports/outbound_dialer_calls/jobs/


Outbound Dialer Calls Report metrics

Report Example

Outbound Dialer Campaigns Name,Outbound Dialer Record List Name,Interaction ID,Talkdesk Phone Number,Customer Phone Number,Outbound Dialer Call Attempt Number,Outbound Dialer System Disposition,Disposition,Description,Call Started Time,Call Finished Time,Outbound Dialer Campaign Agent,Transferred to Agent,Total Duration
test name,RL name 4,d42b36c904754052b3d8590895f756ea,+1855555 (XConnect bought on Twilio),+351916074706,1,Connected,,,2020-12-28 13:05:19,2020-12-28 13:05:41,Name Surname (name.surname@talkdesk.com) [5e70f653d21635000a757704],,22


Data and Report Availability

Up to a month of data per request.

There are no limits on the data availability regarding timeframe.


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