Calls Report All Data Status


The Calls Report All Data Status report provides a raw log of calls, call metadata, and call recordings for voice interactions occurring in Talkdesk®.

More specifically, the Calls Report All Data Status report allows you to check all call data status and/or interactions, including valid/damaged calls, and agent email data by using the data status filter.


Specify the explore_calls_all_data_status type in the Explore API path: /data/reports/explore_calls_all_data_status/jobs


Calls Report All Data Status metrics

Report Example

    "entries": [
            "interaction_id": "1bfcaa8b625547fcb8b8ec5ca8070053",
            "call_type": "outbound_missed",
            "start_time": "2022-12-20 10:26:12",
            "end_time": "2022-12-20 10:26:12",
            "talkdesk_phone_number": "+17406392752",
            "customer_phone_number": "+17753827775",
            "talk_time": 0.0,
            "record": null,
            "hangup": "disconnected",
            "in_business_hours?": "TRUE",
            "callback_from_queue?": "FALSE",
            "waiting_time": null,
            "agent_speed_to_answer": null,
            "holding_time": 0.0,
            "rating": null,
            "description": null,
            "agent_name": "Alice Eve",
            "phone_display_name": "",
            "disposition_code": null,
            "transfer?": "No",
            "handling_agent": null,
            "tags": "agents",
            "ivr_options": "",
            "csat_score": null,
            "csat_survey_time": null,
            "mood": "happy",
            "mood_prompted": "Yes",
            "team": null,
            "rating_reason": null,
            "agent_disconnected": null,
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "data_status": "Valid"
    "total": 1


Data and Report Availability

Up to a month of data per request.

There are no limits on the data availability regarding timeframe.


If you have questions or technical issues, please open a ticket using this form.