Partner to Talkdesk

WebSocket Messages

There are separate types of events, which you can send back to Talkdesk, that occur during the conversation stream's lifecycle. These events are represented via WebSocket messages:

Each message sent is a JSON string. You can determine which type of event is occurring by using the event property of every JSON object. The messages below are sent from Talkdesk to your app.

Media Message

To send media back to Talkdesk, you must provide a similarly formatted mediamessage. The payload must be encoded audio/x-mulaw with a sample rate of 8000 and be base64 encoded. The audio can be of any size.
The media messages will be buffered and played in the order received. If you'd like to interrupt the buffered audio, see here.
The media payload must not contain audio file type header bytes. Providing header bytes will cause the media to be streamed incorrectly.

eventThe value of the media event
streamSidThe SID of the conversation stream that must play back the audio
mediaAn object containing media metadata and payload information
media.payloadRaw mulaw/8000 audio in encoded in base64
  "event": "media",
  "streamSid": "MZ18ad3ab5a668481ce02b83e7395059f0",
  "media": {
    "payload": "a3242sadfasfa423242... (a base64 encoded string of 8000/mulaw)"

Stop Message

Send the stop event message if you want to stop the audio stream and communicate the result of the operation. Possible results are:

  • Success (the original call will continue the OK flow path).
  • Error (the original call will move the error exit).
  • Escalate (the original call will move to the escalation exit).
eventThe value of the stop event
sequenceNumberNumber used to keep track of message sending order. The first message starts with "1" and then is incremented.
stopAn object containing stop metadata and payload information
stop.accountSidThe account identifier that created the stream
stop.callSidThe call identifier that started the conversation stream
stop.commandOne of ok/error /escalate options. This command will make the original call flow in the different exit paths on Talkdesk Studio.
stop.ringGroupIn case of escalation, this parameter indicates the ring group where to redirect the original call (it populates the ring group exit variable on the Talkdesk Studio component
streamSidThe SID of the stream that should receive the stopped stream
  "event": "stop",
  "streamSid": "MZ18ad3ab5a668481ce02b83e7395059f0",
  "stop": {
    "command": "escalate",
    "ringGroup": "agents"

Mark Message

Send a mark event message after sending a media event message to be notified when the audio that you have sent has been completed. You'll receive a mark event with a matching name from Talkdesk when the audio ends (or if there is no audio buffered).
You will also receive an incoming mark event message if the buffer was cleared using the clear event message.

eventThe value of the mark event
streamSidThe SID of the conversation stream that must receive the mark
markAn object containing the mark metadata and payload information
mark.nameA name specific to your needs that will assist in recognizing future received mark event
  "event": "mark",
  "streamSid": "MZ18ad3ab5a668481ce02b83e7395059f0",
  "mark": {
    "name": "my label"

Clear Message

Send the clear event message if you would like to interrupt the audio that has been sent to various media event messages. This will empty all buffered audio and cause any mark event messages to be sent back to you.

eventThe value of the clearevent
streamSidThe SID of the conversation stream that must receive the clear event
  "event": "clear",
  "streamSid": "MZ18ad3ab5a668481ce02b83e7395059f0"


If you have questions or technical issues, please open a ticket using this form.