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Body Response - Schema
200 (the list of apps)
Parameter | Type | Description |
_embedded | object | "_embedded" subdivides into: 1 - "apps" (object), which subdivides into: 1.1 - "id" (string) - the ID of a specific app installation for an account. 1.2 - "app_type" (string) - a name to identify the app type. Allowed values: "standalone", "atlas". 1.3 - "name" (string) - a unique name identifier for the app. 1.4 - "display_name" (string) - a friendly, human-readable name of the app. 1.5 - "slug" (string) - a friendly identifier of the app used as a part of the app URL. 1.6 - "listing_summary" (string) - a summary description just for the listing. 1.7 - "description" (string) - a description of the apps main features. 1.8 - "notes" (string) - any additional note. 1.9 - "version_number" (string) - the app current version. 1.10 - "render" (string) - a name to identify where the app should be rendered. Allowed values: "portal", "canvas". 1.11 - "created_type" (string) - company name that created the app. 1.12 - "sandbox" (boolean) - identifier of whether it is a testing environment or not. 1.13 - "scopes_reason" (string) - reason why the app needs additional scopes. 1.14 - "scopes_reason" (string). 1.15 - "emails" (array[object]), an array of emails that should be used for notifications regarding the app. "emails" subdivides into: 1.15.1 - "type" (string). 1.15.2 - "email" (string). 1.16 - "assets" (array[object]), which subdivides into: 1.16.1 - "type" (string) - Allowed values: "screenshot", "video", "icon". 1.16.2 - "description" (string). 1.16.3 - "url" (string). 1.17 - "urls" (array[object]), which subdivides into: 1.17.1 - "type" (string) - allowed values: "redirect_uri", "installation_subscription", "launch_url", "privacy_policy", "terms_of_service", "app_source". 1.17.2 - "url" (string). 1.18 - "subscription_types" (array[object]), which subdivides into: 1.18.1 - "type" (string) - allowed values: "trial", "paid". 1.18.2 - "licence_type" (string) - allowed values: "individual", "universal". 1.18.3 - "name" (string) - the name of the subscription. 1.18.4 - "price" (integer) - the monthly cost per seat. 1.18.5 - "description" (string). 1.18.6 - "listing_summary" (string). 1.18.7 - "min_licences" (integer). 1.18.8 - "max_licences" (integer). 1.18.9 - "created_by" (string). 1.19 - *"scopes" (array[string]) - allowed values: "openid", "refresh_token", "apps:read", "apps:write", "reports:read", "reports:write", "events:read" "account:read", "users:read", "recordings:read", "interaction-triggers:read". 1.20 - "capabilities" (array[object]) - list of capabilities the app will need to use, which subdivides into: 1.20.1 - "name" (string). 1.21 - "_links" (object), which subdivides into: 1.21.1 - "self" (object), which subdivides into: - "href" (string)** - default:{app_id} |
total | integer | n/a |
page | integer | n/a |
per_page | integer | n/a |
_links | object | "_links" subdivides into: 1 - "self" (object), which subdivides into: 1.1 - "href" (string) - default: 2 - "next" (object), which subdivides into: 2.1 - "href" (string) - default: |
401 (unauthorized)
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
code | string | n/a | yes |
message | string | n/a | yes |
description | string | n/a | no |
fields | array[object] | "fields" subdivides into: "name" (string) "description" (string) | yes (name and description) |
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