Returns a list of cases
Body Response - Schema
200 (list containing paginated cases)
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
_embedded | array[object] | "_embedded" subdivides into: 1 - "baseline" (integer ) - the baseline of the current case. Required. 2 - "case" (string) - The ID of the case. Example: country_code. Required 3 - "event_id" (string) - the ID of the event that triggered the anomaly. Example: 669d7b6a-54dd-4e73-b219-e48a56109cc5. Required. 4 - "hits" (integer ) - the values that are anomalous. Required. 5 - "hits_number" (array[string]) - the number of anomalous values. Required. 6 - "id" (string) - the ID of the anomaly. Example: EpvqwnwBb05xkQ1O1Oj_ Required. 7 - "id" (string) - the ID of the anomaly. Example: EpvqwnwBb05xkQ1O1Oj_ Required. 8 - "ingest_timestamp" (string) - ingestion date of the anomaly. Example: 2020-02-01T10:00:00.000Z. Required. 9 - "pop_baseline" (array[string]) - the peer baseline. Required. 10 - "pop_conf" (number) - confidence in the anomaly regarding the peer baseline. Required. 11 - "pop_prob" (number) - probability of 'hits' for the peers. Required. 12 - "source" (string) - source of the anomaly. Allowed values: "DATABRICKS", "ELASTICSEARCH" Example: elasticsearch. Required. 13 - "specification" (string) - specification of the case. Example: inbound calls. Required. 14 - "user_baseline" (array[string]) - the user baseline. Required. 15 - "user_conf" (number) - confidence in the anomaly regarding the user baseline. Required. 16 - "user_id" (string) - the ID of the user that triggered the anomaly. Example: 669d7b6a-54dd-4e73-b219-e48a56109cc5. Required. 17 - "user_prob" (number) - probability of 'hits' for the user. Required. | yes |
_links | Object | "_links" subdivides into: 1 - "first" (object) - the first page link. 1.1 - "href" (string) - the hypertext reference describing this link. Example: 2 - "last" (object) - the last page link. 2.1 - "href" (string) - the hypertext reference describing this link. Example: 3 - "next" (object) - the next page link. 3.1 - "href" (string) - the hypertext reference describing this link. Example: 4 - "prev" (object) - the previous page link. 4.1 - "href" (string) - the hypertext reference describing this link. Example: 5 - "self" (object) - the current page link. 5.1 - "href" (string) - the hypertext reference describing this link. Example: 6 - "show" (object) - the show link. 6.1 - "href" (string) - the hypertext reference describing this link. Example: | no |
count | integer | The number of results in the current page. Example: 10 | no |
page | integer | The current page. Example: 10 | no |
per_page | integer | The number of results per page. Example: 10 | no |
total | integer | The total number of results. Example: 10 | no |
total_page | integer | The total number of pages. Example: 5 | no |
400 (bad request), 401 (unauthorized), 403 (forbidden)
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
code | string | n/a | yes |
message | string | n/a | yes |
description | string | n/a | no |
fields | array[object] | "fields" subdivides into: "name" (string) "description" (string) | yes (name and description) |
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