Request Parameters Sample
curl --request GET \
--url ',%20%222022-11-17T01:43:29Z%22%5D&custom_fields=%5B%7B%22label%22:%20%22checkbox31%22,%20%22value%22:false%7D%5D&description=outgoing_call_answered&ids=%5B%2220808%22,%20%2220807%22,%2220806%22,%2220805%22,%2220804%22,%2220803%22%5D&order_by=create_at&page=1&per_page=200&priority=%5B%22Normal%22,%22High%22%5D& call&type=%5B%22Question%22,%22Incident%22%5D&update_at=%5B%222022-11-01T01:43:29Z%22,%20%222022-11-17T01:43:29Z%22%5D' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer ....'
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
Body Response - Schema
200 (success - returns the list of cases)
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
total | integer | > = 1; > <= 2147483647 | yes |
count | integer | > = 1; > <= 2147483647 | yes |
page | integer | > = 1; > <= 2147483647. > Default: 1 | yes |
per_page | integer | > = 1; > <= 500. > Default: 50 | yes |
_links | object | "_links" subdivides into: 1 - "prev" (object) 1.1 - "href" (string) 2 - "self" (object) 2.1 - "href" (string) 3 - "next" (object) 3.1 - "href" (string) | yes |
_embedded | object | "_embedded" subdivides into: 1 - "data" (array[object] ) 1.1 - "id" (string) - case ID, the unique numeric identifiers given to each case. Starting from 1. Required. 1.2 - "title" (string) - case subject. Required. 1.3 - "description" (string) - case description. Required. 1.4 - "requester_id" (string) - the ID of the person who made the support request, which can be a contact or an agent. Required. 1.5 - "requester_name" (string) - the name of the person who made the support request, which can be a contact or an agent. Required. 1.6 - "requester_email" (string) - the email of person who made the support request, which can be a contact or an agent. 1.7 - "requester_phone" (string) - the phone number of the person who made the support request, which can be a contact or an agent. 1.8 - "group_id" (string) - the agent group ID. The unique numeric identifiers given to each group. Required. 1.9 - "group_name" (string) - group name. 1.10 - "agent_id" (string) - agent ID, the unique numeric identifiers given to each agent. 1.11 - "agent_name" (string) - agent name. 1.12 - "priority" (string) - case priority 1.13 - "status" (string) - case status. Required. 1.14 - "type" (string) - case type 1.15 - "about" (string) - case about. 1.16 - "create_at" (string ) - when the field was created. Required. 1.17 - "update_at" (string) - when the field was updated. Required. 1.18 - "custom_fields" (string) - case custom field response data. "custom_fields" subdivides into: 1.18.1 - "checkbox1" (object) - custom fields value. - "label" (string) - the field label. - "value" (boolean) - the field value. Required. - "name" (string) - The field agent display name. 1.19 - "notes"(array[object]) - the batch note list. 1.19.1 - "id"(string) - notes ID. 1.19.2 - "notes_title"(string) - notes title. 1.19.3 - "notes_body"(string) - notes body. 1.19.4 - "public"(boolean) - is true if any notes are public, false otherwise. Defaults to true. | yes |
400 (bad request), 401 (unauthorized access - invalid or unverifiable JWT), 403 (forbidden), 404 (forbidden)
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
code | string | n/a | yes |
message | string | n/a | yes |
description | string | n/a | no |
fields | array[object] | "fields" subdivides into: "name" (string) "description" (string) | yes (name and description) |
Query Parameters
All the conditions are exclusive. That is, if both condition A and condition B are passed in at the same time, the returned result must satisfy both conditions.
The following conditions are special cases:
- When multiple Agent(agent_email, agent_id, agent_name)conditions are passed in, it's complementary instead of exclusive;
- When multiple Requester(requester_email, requester_id, requester_name, requester_phone, requester_type)conditions are passed in, it's complementary instead of exclusive.
- This API uses GET, so please encode parameters in the URL before sending your request.
API Availability
The Case API has been in GA since October 2023.
If you have any questions regarding the usage of this API, or if you’re having any technical issues, please open a ticket using this form.