Body Response - Schema
200 OK (imports list)
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
count | integer | the number of results in the current page | no |
total | integer | the total number of results | no |
page | integer | the current page | no |
per_page | integer | the number of results per page | no |
_embedded | object | "_embedded" subdivides into: 1 - "imports" (array[object]) - the results displayed in an array. Required. 1.1 - "id" (string) - the import unique identifier. 1.2 - "filename" (string) - the name of the file that was submitted. 1.3 - "total_records" (integer) - the total number of records to process. 1.4 - "failed_records" (integer) - the number of records that failed to import. 1.5 - "completed_records" (integer) - the number of records imported successfully imported. 1.6 - "status" (string) - the status of the import. Allowed values: QUEUED, IN_PROGRESS CANCELED, FAILED, COMPLETED, COMPLETED_WITH_ERRORS 1.7 - "type" (string) - the import type. Allowed values: CREATE_USERS, UPDATE_USERS, DELETE_USERS 1.8 - "created_by" (string) - the ID of the user who submitted the import. 1.9 - "created_at" (string) - the date when the import was submitted. 1.10 - "updated_by" (string) - the ID of the user/system who updated the import. 1.11 - "updated_at" (string) - the date when the import was updated. 1.12 - "canceled_by" (string) - the ID of the user/system who canceled the import. 1.13 - "canceled_at" (string) - the date when the import was canceled. 1.14 - "_links" (object) - the defined links. Required. 1.14.1 - "self" (object) - the URI of the imports list. Required. - "href" (string) - the URI value. Required. 1.14.2 - "records" (object) - the URI of the import records - "href" (string) - the URI value | yes |
_links | object | "_links" subdivides into: 1 - "self" (object) - the URI of the imports list. Required. 1.1 - "href" (object) - the URI value. Example: 2 - "next" (object) - the URI of the next page of the imports list. 2.1 - "href" (object) - the URI value. Example: 3 - "prev" (object) - the URI of the previous page of the imports list. 3.1 - "href" (object) - the URI value. Example: 4 - "first" (object) - the URI of the first page of the imports list. 4.1 - "href" (object) - the URI value. Example: 5 - "last" (object) - the URI of the last page of the imports list. 5.1 - "href" (object) - the URI value. Example: | yes |
key | string | the unique key given to each case field | yes |
name | string | the name given to each case field | yes |
type | string | type field | yes |
description | string | a description of the case field that agents can see | no |
dict_list | array[object] | For some fields, you may have a dictionary entry (such as a drop-down value, etc.) that is the list of the corresponding dictionary entry. "dict_list" subdivides into: 1 - "key" (string) - dict key, the unique identifier of the dict. 2 - "value" (string) - dict value. 3 - "children" (array) - since dict is a nested array structure, children are an array of dictionary children, which also have properties of key, value, and children. | no |
required | boolean | If true , agents must enter a value in the field to change the case status to solved | yes |
active | boolean | all fields are active by default and will be inactive if it is deactivated | yes |
created_at | date | time when the field was created | yes |
updated_at | date | time when the field was updated | yes |
400 (bad request when query parameters contain invalid values), 401 (missing authorization header), 403 (invalid authorization), 406 (accept format MIME type unsupported)
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
code | string | n/a | yes |
message | string | n/a | yes |
description | string | n/a | no |
fields | array[object] | "fields" subdivides into: "name" (string) "description" (string) | yes (name and description) |
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