The data is filtered for up to 90 days by default.
Body Response - Schema
200 (contact voice authentication history response)
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
count | integer | The number of results in the current page. Example: 10 | Yes |
page | integer | The current page. Example: 1 | Yes |
per_page | integer | The number of results per page. Example: 10 | Yes |
total | integer | The total number of results. Example: 10 | Yes |
total_pages | integer | The total number of pages. Example: 5 | Yes |
_embedded | array[object] | "_embedded" subdivides into: "id" (integer) - activity ID. Example: 2345kj4h234524. Required. "name" (string) - contacts API caller name. Example: John Doe "contact_id" (string) - the contact identifier. Example: 753. Required. "interaction_id" (string) - the ID of a call. Example: c5572384a4c340c2b326965fdb13ca0e "timestamp" (string) - contact call timestamp. Example: 2020-02-12T10:00:00.000Z. Required. "phone_status" (string) - the phone validation fraud score. Allowed values: "HIGH_RISK", "SAFE", "SUSPICIOUS", "ERROR". "phone_formatted" (string) - the phone number is formatted in the international dialing code. “NA” if not formattable. Example: 969-999-999 "phone_local_format" (string) - the phone number formatted in the country's local routing rules with area code. “NA” if not formattable. Example: 969-999-999 "phone_valid" (boolean) - indicates if the phone number is considered valid based on assigned phone numbers available to carriers in the caller’s country. "phone_risk_score" (integer) - the risk score; measures how likely a phone number is to be fraudulent. Example: 10 "phone_recent_abuse" (boolean) - details whether this phone number has been associated with recent or ongoing fraud. "phone_voip" (boolean) - illustrates if this phone number is a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) or a digital phone number. "phone_prepaid" (boolean) - indicates if this phone number is associated with a prepaid service plan. "phone_risky" (boolean) - points out if this phone number is associated with fraudulent activity, scams, fake accounts, or other suspicious behavior. "phone_active" (boolean) - reveals if this phone number is a live phone number that is currently active. "phone_carrier" (string) - the carrier this phone number has been assigned to, or "NA" if unknown. Example: "IRISTEL INC." "phone_line_type" (string) - the type of line this phone number is associated with, or "NA" if unknown. Example: "VoIP". "phone_country" (string) - the two-character country code for the phone number. Example: "US". "phone_region" (string) - the region (state) of the phone number if available, or “NA" if unknown. Example: "AL". "phone_call_attestation_type" (string) - the call attestation level. Example: Ω "phone_call_attestation_valid" (boolean) - besides the call attestation, the final carrier needs to confirm that the attestation was the one presented to them. This field presents this confirmation. "voice_operation" (string) - indicates the type of voice authentication operation that was performed. Allowed values: "VERIFY", "DELETE", "ENROLL", "CONSENT". "voice_risk_score" (number) - the caller's voice is analyzed to reach a ranked risk score (from 0% to 100%). Example: 40 "voice_result" (string) - this field is closely tied to the voice_operation field. It represents the result of the performed operation.Allowed values: "SUCCESS", "FAILURE", "ERROR", "ALLOWED", "NOT_ALLOWED", "REFUSED", "NO_SPEECH", "UTTERANCE_FAILURE", "DEEP_FAKE", "REPLAY_ATTACK", "SECOND_SPEAKER". "overall_risk_score" (number) - the overall risk score, aka Call Risk, is an average that is calculated based on the several scores associated with the call. Example: 50 "phone_number" (string) - the phone number without any formatting. Example: 969999999 "voice_type" (string) - the voice authentication type: Active, Passive. Allowed values: "ACTIVE", "PASSIVE". The following fields are available when using JSON format, but are there only for internal control and information: "contacts_api_id" (string) "phone_message" (string) "phone_success" (boolean) "phone_request_id" (string) “Is_deleted” (boolean) | yes |
_links | object | The paginated links. "_links" subdivides into: 1 - "first" (object) - the first page link. Required. 1.1 - "href" (string) - the hypertext reference describing this link. Example: 2 - "last" (object) - the last page link. Required. 2.1 - "href" (string) - the hypertext reference describing this link. Example: 3 - "next" (object) - the next page link. Required. 3.1 - "href" (string) - the hypertext reference describing this link. Example: 4 - "prev" (object) - the previous page link. Required. 4.1 - "href" (string) - the hypertext reference describing this link. Example: 5 - "self" (object) - the current page link. Required. 5.1 - "href" (string) - the hypertext reference describing this link. Example: 6 - "show" (object) - show current link. Required. 6.1 - "href" (string) - the hypertext reference describing this link. Example: | Yes |
400 (bad request in the submitted data), 401 (unauthorized), 403 (forbidden), 404 (resource not found)
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
code | string | n/a | yes |
message | string | n/a | yes |
description | string | n/a | no |
fields | array[object] | "fields" subdivides into: "name" (string) "description" (string) | yes (name and description) |
API Availability
The Identity Insights API has been in General Availability since January 2023.
If you have any questions regarding the usage of this API, or if you’re having any technical issues, please open a ticket using this form.