Bucket Configurations


Supported Regions and Base URLs


Access and Registration




Body Response - Schema

200 (bucket configurations details)

pageintegerthe current pageyes
per_pageintegerthe number of elements of bucket configurations per pageyes
countintegerthe number of bucket configurations present on the current pageyes
totalintegerthe total number of bucket configurationsyes
_linksobject"_links" subdivides into:

1 - "self" (object), required, which subdivides into "href" (string), required. The link to the current page.

1.1 - "href" (object), required. The hypertext reference describing this link.

2 - "first" (object), required. The link to the first page.

2.1 - "href" (object), required. The hypertext reference describing this link.

3 - "prev" (object), required. The link to the previous page.

3.1 - "href" (object), required. The hypertext reference describing this link.

4 - "next" (object), required. The link to the next page.

4.1 - "href" (object), required. The hypertext reference describing this link.

5 - "last" (object), required. The link to the last page.

5.1 - "href" (object), required. The hypertext reference describing this link.
_embeddedobject"_embedded" subdivides into:

"bucket_configurations" (array[object]), required. The results displayed in an array. Subdivides into:

1 - "id" (string), required. Bucket configuration unique ID.

2 - "account_id" (string). Talkdesk account ID.

3 - "charge_number" (string). Charge number.

4 - "plafond" (number
, required. Plafond quantity.

5 - "plafond_multiplier" (number), required. Plafond multiplication factor.

6 - "effective_start" (string
, required. Bucket configuration effective start date.

7 - "effective_end" (string
, required. Bucket configuration effective end date.

8 - "resource" (string), required. Resource of bucket configuration.

9 - "unit_of_measure" (string), required. Bucket configuration unit of measure. Allowed values: "UNITS", "MINUTES", "SECONDS", "GB", "MB", "TRANSCRIPTIONS",

10 - "properties" (object), required. Interaction properties.

11 - "status" (string), required. Bucket configuration status. Allowed values: "ACTIVE",

12 - "type" (string), required. Type of the bucket. Allowed values:

13 - "tier" (string) - tier of the bucket. Only present if bucket is of type TIER.

14 - "created_at" (string
, required. Bucket configuration date of creation.

400 (bad request), 401 (unauthorized), 403 (forbidden), 404 (account wallet not found)

fieldsarray[object]"fields" subdivides into:

"name" (string)

"description" (string)
yes (name and description)



If you have any questions regarding the usage of this API, or if you’re having any technical issues, please open a ticket using this form.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!