Cancel items from the ERC e-commerce customer order with the provided customer and order ID.

Cancel items from the ERC e-commerce customer order with the provided customer ID and order ID.


Integration shops:

BigCommerce -> Functionality has been implemented.
Shopify -> Not yet implemented.
HumanN -> Not yet implemented.
Other -> Not yet implemented.

Body Response - Schema

200 OK (The cart data found with the provided customer_id or cart_id)

Represents the customer resource

idstringThe order item ID. Example: orderItem123no
embeddedobject "embedded" subdivides into:

1 - "items" (array[object]) - The list of order items.
"Items" subdivides into:
1.1 - "id" (string) - The ID of the item. Example: orderItem789
1.2 - "name" (string) - The name of the item. Not required. Example: Order Item789
1.3 - "description" (string) -The description of the item. Not required. Example: Description of order Item 789
1.4 - "brand" (string) - The item's brand. Not required Example: Brand123
1.5 - "price" (object) - The price of the item. Required. "Price" subdivides into:
1.5.1 - "value" (number) - The amount of money. Required. Example:10.5
1.5.2 - "currency" (string) - The currency of the money amount. Required. Example: EUR
1.6 - "image_url" (string) - The URL of the item image/picture.
1.7 - "quantity" (integer) - The quantity of the item. > = 1 < = 100 Example: > 10
1.8 - "sku" (string) - The sku of the item. Example: Sku 123
1.9 - "deliverable_quantity" (integer) - The quantity of order items that are yet to be delivered/processed. > = 1 < = 100 Example: > 10
1.10 - "deliveries" (array[object]) - The list of deliveries where the item is inserted. "Deliveries" subdivides into:
1.10.1 - "id" (string) -The ID of the order delivery. Required. Example: orderDelivery123
1.10.2 - "delivery_quantity" (integer) -The quantity of items associated with the delivery. > = 1 <= 100 Example: > 10`
1.10.3 - "latest_status_info" (object) - The latest delivery status information. "Latest status info" subdivides into: - "type" (string) - The type of the state/step. Required. Example: ["UNKNOWN","ATTEMPTED_DELIVERY","READY_FOR_PICKUP","PICKED_UP","CONFIRMED","IN_TRANSIT","OUT_FOR_DELIVERY","DELIVERED","FAILURE"]` - "status_date_type" (string) - The timestamp date when the status info state/step was 'reached'
Example: 2021-10-23T12:16:50.078Z
1.10.4 - "tracking_info" (object) -The tracking information associated with the order delivery. "Tracking info" subdivides into: - "tracking_number" (string) - The tracking number associated with the order delivery. Required. Example: #USPS 123456789 - - "external_url" (string) - The URL of the external system where we can get more tracking details (ex: the URL of the carrier).
1.10.5 - "last_update" (string) - The timestamp date when the order delivery was last updated
Example: 2021-09-14T12:16:50.078Z
1.11 - "custom_fields" (object) - The custom fields associated with the provider.
nks" subdivides into:

1 - "self" (object) - required.
1.1 - "href" (string) - the link to the cart.

400 (bad request), 401 (unauthorized), 403 (forbidden), 404 (not found), 405 (method not supported)

fieldsarray[object]"fields" subdivides into:

"name" (string)

"description" (string)
yes (name and description)


API Availability

The Retail Experience Cloud - Retail Ecommerce Integration is only available for customers enrolled in Talkdesk's Early Access (EA) program. To enter the EA program, contact a Customer Success Manager.

The Retail Experience Cloud - Retail Ecommerce Integration has been in EA since March 2022.



If you have any questions regarding the usage of this API, or if you’re having any technical issues, please open a ticket using this form.
