Get Appointments

Get appointments associated with an account.


Access and Registration




Body Response - Schema

200 OK

_embeddedobject"_embedded" subdivides into:

1 - "teams" (array[object]) - "teams" subdivides into:

1.1 - "id" (string) - The appointment ID. Required.

1.2 - "account_id"(string) - The account ID associated with the team.

1.3 - "team_member"(object) - The team member information. Required. "team_member" subdivides into:

1.3.1 - "name"(string) - The name of the team member. Required.
1.3.2 - "email"(string) - The email address of the team member. Required.
1.3.3 - "status"(string) The status of the team member.
Allowed values: ACTIVE PENDING
1.3.4 - provider" (array[object]) - The email provider used by the team member's email address. Allowed values: OUTLOOK GOOGLE.

1.4. - calendar_event_id" (string) - The calendar event ID. Required.

1.5 - "start"(integer) - The start time of the appointment in UTC timestamp (milliseconds). Required.

1.6. - "start"(integer) - The end time of the appointment in UTC timestamp (milliseconds). Required.

1.7 - "team_id"(string) - The ID of the team associated with the appointment. Required. <= 50 characters

1.8 - "client_name"(string) - The name of the client associated with the appointment. <= 50 characters

1.9 "client_email"(string) - The email of the client associated with the appointment. <= 50 characters

1.10 - "notes"(string) - The notes associated with the appointment. <= 50 characters
total_pagesintegerThe total pages present. Required.
totalintegerThe number of teams. Required.
countintegerThe count. Required.
pageintegerThe page number. Required.
per_pageintegerThe page size. Required.
_linksobject"_links" subdivides into:

1 - "self" (object) Required.
1.1 - "href" (string) - The link to the first page. Required.

2. - "next" (object)
2.1 - "href" (string) - The link to the last page.

3. - "prev" (object) Required.
3.1 - "href" (string) Required.

4. - "first" (object)
4.1 - "href" (string)

5. - "last" (object)
5.1 - "href" (string)

400 (bad request), 401 (unauthorized), 403 (forbidden), 404 (not found)

fields array[object]"fields" subdivides into:

"name" (string)

"description" (string)
yes (name and description)



If you have any questions regarding the usage of this API, or if you’re having any technical issues, please open a ticket using this form.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!