
Queries multiple user identities in an authenticated account. Filtering is available.


Supported Regions and Base URLs


Access and Registration





API Availability

The SCIM API is only available for customers enrolled in Talkdesk's Early Access (EA) program.
To enter the EA program, contact a Customer Success Manager.

Body Response - Schema

200 OK (the request has succeeded)

Collection of users

schemasarray[string]URN schema for ListReponse. Allowed values:
urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:ListResponse / urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:talkdesk:2.0:User
Resourcesarray[object]"resources" subdivides into:

1 - "schemas" (array[string]) - URN schemas for user resource. Allowed value:

2 - "id" (string) - the ID for the object. Immutable. Required.

3 - "active" (boolean) - the user's administrative status.

4 - "externalId" (string) - the external ID for the user.

5 - "meta" (object) - user metadata.
5.1 - "created" (string
- date and time the resource was created. Required.
5.2 - "lastModified" (string) - date and time the resource was last modified.
5.3 - "resourceType" (string) - the resource type.
5.4 - "location" (string) - the location (URI) of the resource. Required.
5.5 - "version" (string) - the version of the resource.

6 - "name" (object) - the components of the user's real name. Required.
6.1 - "familyName" (string) - the components of the user's real name. The family name of the User, or Last Name in most Western languages (for example, Jensen given the full name Ms. Barbara J Jensen, III.).
6.2 - "givenName" (string) - the given name of the User, or First Name in most Western languages. Required.

7 - "userName" (string) - the user's email.
totalResultsintegerthe number of users in the collectionyes
startIndexintegerthe 1-based index of the first result in the current set of list resultsno
itemsPerPageintegerthe number of resources returned in a list response pageno

401 (missing or invalid authorization), 403 (forbidden operation)

SCIM-related error

schemasarray[string]URN schema for errors.
Allowed value:
statusstringHTTP status codeno
detailstringmessage detailing the errorno
scimTypestringtype of SCIM errorn



If you have any questions regarding the usage of this API, or if you’re having any technical issues, please open a ticket using this form.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!