Get the ERC e-commerce integrations customer by ID
Body Response - Schema
200 OK (the customer found with the provided ID)
Represents the customer resource
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
id | string | The ID of the customer. Example: customer123 | yes |
first_name | string | The first name of the customer. Example: John | no |
last_name | string | The last name of the customer. Example: Doe | no |
customer_since | string | The timestamp date of the customer creation/registration in the system. Example: 2021-09-04T12:16:50.078Z | no |
shipping_addresses | array[object] | The list of shipping addresses associated with the customer. "addresses" subdivides into: 1 - "id" (string) - The address identifier. Example: address1234 2 - "first_name" (string) - the first name of the person associated with the address. Example: John 3 - "last_name" (string) - the last name of the person associated with the address. Example: Doe 4 - "phone_number" (string) - the phone number of the person associated with the address. Example: +351910000000 5 - "address" (string) - the first line of the address. Example: Lisbon 6 - "zip_code" (string) - the zip-code of the address. Example: 20000000 7 - "city" (string) - the city of the address. Example: Lisbon 8 - "region_code" (string) - the region (country subdivision) code according to ISO 3166-2 standard. Example: PT-11 9 - "country_code" (string) - the country code of the address, according the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes. Example: PT 10 - "default" (boolean) - define if address is default. Example: true | no |
integration_info | object | The internal integration information. "integration_info" subdivides into: 1 - "external_url" (string ) - the URL of the resource in the external system (ex: the URL of a customer in the Shopify system). Example: Required. 2 - "type" (string) - the type of integration. Allowed values: UNKNOWN, SHOPIFY Example: SHOPIFY. Required. | no |
custom_fields | object | The custom fields associated with the provider. | |
_links | object | "_links" subdivides into: 1 - "self" (object) - required. 1.1 - "href" (string ) - Example: | yes |
400 (bad request), 401 (authorization), 403 (forbidden), 404 (not found), 405 (method not supported)
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
code | string | n/a | yes |
message | string | n/a | yes |
description | string | n/a | no |
fields | array[object] | "fields" subdivides into: "name" (string) "description" (string) | yes (name and description) |
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