Body Response - Schema
200 (get a list of records)
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
per_page | integer | the number of items per page | yes |
count | integer | the total number of items | no |
page | integer | the number of the current page | yes |
total_pages | integer | the total number of pages | no |
_links | object | HAL API-related links. "_links" subdivides into: 1 - "next" (object) - link of the next page. Required. 1.1 - "href" (string) - address of the resource. Required. 2 - "last" (object) - link of the last page. Required. 2.1 - "href" (string) - address of the resource. Required. 3 - "prev" (object) - link of the previous page. Required. 3.1 - "href" (string) - address of the resource. Required. 4 - "self" (object) - link of the current page. Required. 4.1 - "href" (string) - address of the resource. Required. 5 - "first" (object) - link of the first page. Required. 5.1 - "href" (string) - address of the resource. Required. | yes |
_embedded | object | "_embedded" subdivides into: 1 - "records" (array[object]) - record ID. 1.1 - "id" (string) - record ID. 1.2 - "record_list_id" (string) - record list ID. 1.3 - "phone_numbers" (array[object]) - list of phone numbers of the record (required if phone_number field is not present). > = 1 items 1.3.1 - "phone_number (string) - record phone number > = 1 characters <= 20 characters. Required. 1.3.2 - "phone_type (string) - the type of the phone number. > = 4 characters <= 7 characters. Allowed values: HOME, OFFICE, MOBILE, EXTRA_1, EXTRA_2, EXTRA_3 1.4 - "first_name" (string) - first name of the record. > = 1 characters <= 80 characters 1.5 - "last_name" (string) - last name of the record. > = 1 characters <= 80 characters 1.6 - "timezone" (string) - timezone of the record. > = 1 characters <= 35 characters 1.7 - "priority" (integer) - Priority of the record within the record list. > = 1 <= 10 1.8 - "extra_data" (object) - extra data of the record 1.9 - "external_id" (string) - unique identifier for resource in external source 1.10 - "external_url" (string) - resource location in external source 1.11 - "sync_external_id" (boolean) - sync external ID with contacts 1.12 - "created_at" (string) - record creation date 1.13 - "updated_at" (string) - record update date 1.14 - "_links" (object) 1.14.1 - "self" (object) - "href" (string) | no |
400 (bad request), 401 (unauthorized), 403 (forbidden), 404 (record list not found)
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
code | string | n/a | yes |
message | string | n/a | yes |
description | string | n/a | no |
fields | array[object] | "fields" subdivides into: "name" (string) "description" (string) | yes (name and description) |
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