Get a specific event from target App ID
Body Response - Schema
200 (the event content)
Parameter | Type | Description |
app_id | string | the app ID |
app_version_id | string | the app version ID |
id | string | the event ID |
api_version | string | the API version |
created_at | string | the event creation date |
data | object | "data" subdivides into: 1 - "account_id" (string) - the account_id which created the event. 2 - "account_name" (string) - the account_name correspondent to the account_id .3 - "client_id" (string) - the client_id which created the event.4 - "client_secret" (string) - the client_secret. 5 - "installation_id" (string) - the installation_id. 6 - "key_algorithm" (string) - the key_algorithm. 7 - "key_id" (string) - the key_id. 8 - "private_key" (string) - the private_key. 9 - "public_key" (string) - the public_key. |
_links | object | "_links" subdivides into: 1 - "root" (object), which subdivides into: 1.1 - "href" (string) - the root href. 2 - "self" (object), which subdivides into: 2.1 - "href" (string) - the self href. 3 - "tokens" (object), which subdivides into: 3.1 - "href" (string) - the tokens href. 4 - "installation" (object), which subdivides into: 4.1 - "href" (string) - the installation href. 5 - "userinfo" (object), which subdivides into: 5.1 - "href" (string) - the user fino href. 6 - "authorization" (object), which subdivides into: 6.1 - "href" (string) - the authorization href. |
403 (forbidden), 404 (event not found), 500 (failed to get event)
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
code | string | n/a | yes |
message | string | n/a | yes |
description | string | n/a | yes |
fields | array[object] | "fields" subdivides into: "name" (string) "description" (string) | yes (name and description) |
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