Phone Number Insights


Supported Regions and Base URLs


Access and Registration




Body Response - Schema

200 (phone validation data)

_embeddedobjectPhone validation parameters.

"_embedded" subdivides into:

1 - "active" (string) - is this phone number a live usable phone number that is currently active?

2 - "carrier" (string) - the carrier (service provider) this phone number has been assigned to, or "N/A" if unknown.

3 - "country" (string) - the two character country code for this phone number.

4 - "do_not_call" (string) - is this phone number listed on any Do Not Call (DNC) lists? (only supported in US and CA). This data may not be 100% up to date with the latest DNC blacklists.

5 - "fraude_score" (integer) - the phone risk score, which estimates how likely the phone number is to be fraudulent. Scores 85+ are high risk.

6 - "id" (string) - phone number.

7 - "leaked" (string) - if this phone number has recently been exposed in an online database breach or act of compromise, if available, or "N/A" if unknown.

8 - "leaked" (string) - if this phone number has recently been exposed in an online database breach or act of compromise, if available, or "N/A" if unknown.

9 - "line_type" (string) - the type of line this phone number is associated with (Toll Free, Mobile, Landline, Satellite, VOIP, Premium Rate, Pager, etc...) or "N/A" if unknown.

10 - "prepaid" (string) - is this phone number associated with a prepaid service plan?

11 - "recent_abuse" (string) - has this phone number been associated with recent or ongoing fraud?

12 - "region" (string) - region (state) of the phone number if available or "N/A" if unknown.

13 - "risk" (string) - is this phone number associated with fraudulent activity, scams, robocalls, fake accounts, or other unfriendly behavior?

14 - "spammer" (string) - indicates if the phone number has recently been reported for spam or harassing calls/texts, if available, or "N/A" if unknown.

15 - "status" (string) - is the number considered safe, suspicious, or high risk? Allowed values:

16 - "valid" (boolean) - is the phone number properly formatted and considered valid based on assigned phone numbers available to carriers in that country?

17 - "voip" (string) - is this phone number a Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) or digital phone number?
_linksobjectThis page reference links.

"_links" subdivides into:

1 - "self" (object) - show self link.
1.1 - "href" (string) - the hypertext reference describing this link.
Example: Required

400 (bad request), 401 (unauthorized), 403 (forbidden), 404 (resource not found)

fieldsarray[object]"fields" subdivides into:

"name" (string)

"description" (string)
yes (name and description)


API Availability

The Phone Validation API has been in General Availability since February 2022.



If you have any questions regarding the usage of this API, or if you’re having any technical issues, please open a ticket using this form.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!